Calcul ATLAS France
The Computing ATLAS France board (CAF) role is to ensure that the French computing facilities and software activities provided to the ATLAS collaboration meet the expectation, and that physicists from French laboratories get the necessary computing infrastructures and resources to perform their researches within the allocated budgets. The CAF is the main channel of communication between:
- French sites, in particular the CC-IN2P3 as the French Tier 1;
- membres of French groups;
- LCG-France;
- ATLAS collaboration.
The board is composed of one member for each CNRS/IN2P3 laboratory, two from CEA/IRFU, CC-IN2P3 representatives, LCG-France representatives, the CAF chairperson and, ex-officio, the ATLAS-IRFU group leader and the ATLAS-IN2P3 coordinator.
The current members are:
- D. Bouvet, technical director of LCG-France;
- E. Chapon, deputy for the IRFU group;
- P-A. Delsart, deputy for the LPSC group;
- F. Derue, deputy for the LPNHE group and CAF chairperson;
- L. Duflot, deputy for the IJCLab group and scientific director of LCG-France;
- A. Duperrin, deputy for the CPPM group;
- E. Fédé, deputy for the CC-IN2P3;
- A. Formica, deputy for the IRFU group;
- S. Jézéquel, deputy for the LAPP group;
- R. Madar and L. d'Eramo (substitute), deputy for the LPC group;
- G. Marchiori, deputy of the APC group
- J. Stark, deputy of the L2IT group
- A. Vedaee, deputy for the CC-IN2P3; and :
- F. Déliot, ex-officio, IRFU group leader;
- L. Serin, ex-officio, ATLAS-IN2P3 coordinator.
Chairperson mandate
The CAF chairperson is nominated by and reports to the ATLAS IN2P3 coordinator and the IRFU ATLAS group leader; its mandate is for two years renewable. The CAF chairperson is one of the two French representatives (one from IN2P3 and one from IRFU) to the ATLAS International Computing Board (ICB). The chairperson is also (ex officio) member of the LCG France coordination. The role is also:
- To act as the interlocutor between ATLAS and ATLAS-France in matters of software & computing;
- To analyse past and present computing activities and annually report to ATLAS IN2P3 coordinator and IRFU group leader;
- To act as czar at CC-IN2P3 to manage ATLAS resources.
Finally, the CAF chairperson makes sure the CAF fulfils its responsabilities.
CAF responsibilities
The main CAF responsibilities and duties are:
- to estimate the amount of resources at CC-IN2P3 offered to ATLAS and needed for the French groups. Requests for theses resources are placed on a yearly basis;
- to coordinate the ATLAS computing grid activities in the framework of LCG-France;
- to translate ATLAS and WLCG options and decisions concerning the computing model in terms of hardware and software needs at the Tier1 (CC-IN2P3) and Tier2s;
- to organize the "FR squad", the team of people supervising ATLAS Grid activities for the ‘FR cloud’. The FR cloud consists of the French Grid sites and the associated foreign computing centres (China, Japan & Romania). The ‘squad’ interacts with site administrators and ATLAS Distributed Computing experts. Its members report to CAF and ensure that new tools and environments are deployed when necessary and that major activities like on-going productions, reprocessing, data or service challenges are handled at best by the French sites;
- to suggest possible improvements for an optimal use of French resources;
- to analyse the computing resources and support necessary for the ATLAS physicists in the French laboratories. This should be reviewed in a yearly meeting common to CAF and PAF (Physique ATLAS France).
- to oversee French software and computing development activities;
- to organise the maintenance of the CAF web site.
The CAF will do regular meetings, at least four per year. Once per year, the meeting will be opened to each members of the French laboratories and will be the opportunity to do a status report. Each meeting will have written minutes.
The agenda of meetings are available on this link: